Red Bull Air Force Joins Balloons In The Skies!

July 6, 2011


 Not all of the action in the skies will be going up. The Red Bull Air Force will be once again headed down from the sky!


The world’s best elite precision skydiving and B.A.S.E. jumping team will perform what is known as wing-suit proximity flying. This is accomplished by either jumping off of an object or exiting an aircraft in a wing-suit – a tightly constructed outfit that looks like what it sounds like – a suit with wings. Wing-suit base-jumping consists of flying away from the object you jumped from, and wing-suit proxy flying is where you fly along side the object.


The team will be jumping out of either a hot air balloon or out of an airplane throughout the weekend, depending on wind and weather conditions.


Constantly pushing the boundaries of their sport, the 12-person team utilizes their exhaustive training and years of experience in advanced skydiving techniques to use airflow to move their bodies in the air, effectively flying their bodies.


The Red Bull Air Force will be performing prior to and following the mass hot air balloon ascensions. Visit to see their complete schedule.